I am going to Sweden!!!
Whoot Whoot!
Anyway, yeah, I thought to let you all know that I am studying abroad in Sweden next semester! Rather exciting, at least I think. I am going to Västerås, about an hour's train ride outside of Stockholm. August until January...5 months of pure Swedish goodness. Pure Swedish environmental goodness. I'm studying more (insert your favorite positive adjective) environmental science there, so cheers to that!!!!
Oh, and don't worry. We will continue the blogging...trans-Atlantic style!
Here's the link to my Swedish university, if you so incline...
Yeeeeaaahh, we're well aware that our blogging consistency is sub-par even when we ARE on the same side of the ocean, but we're determined not to let the Atlantic stand in the way of more high-quality OKHIG updates.
As for me, I am NOT going to Sweden. I'm spending the summer at home in CT and then coming back to VT in the fall for another exciting semester at UVM. However, I did see the Pope a few weeks ago, which certainly warrants a mention.
We went to the Papal Mass at Yankee Stadium on April 20, and it was amazing. Even though our seats were in the bleachers and we only saw the Pope on the big screen that was completely blocking the actual view, and also when he drove around in the Popemobile, it was still completely awesome. His presence in our country was so inspiring....he was absolutely radiating joy, and it seemed like he was really happy to be here. Incidentally, he spoke about environmentalism in a few of his speeches and homilies....we might post more about that some other time.
Anyway, here's a picture I took of Il Papa on the big screen:
Right, I suppose I should write about my summer plan...or...um...lack there of? I think I'm working at a hardware store again...and at a museum again. Both the same jobs I had in high school and last summer. Maybe painting my parent's house perhaps? Oh, and learning Swedish. Lots of Swedish. Applying for my visa, which might take me down to the NYC area. Going to beautiful Niagara Falls to visit my family once again (I love them!). Beyond that, I'm really not sure. Though if I look back on that list now...wow...that actually is a lot. Interesting how a lack of plans can quickly...change?
But isn't life always like that? God always has plans for us, even if we don't know what they are, or choose to ignore them. Remember that!
Wise words indeed. As our friend St. Pio says, "Pray, hope, and don't worry."

I'm in the market for a summer job. In a perfect world, I would be hanging out with large carnivores of the feline persuasion, but as it is, I'll probably be working retail. Ah well, money is money.
Money makes everything awkward and complicated. Le sigh.
Audrey, Closing Remarks:
It's final exam week. The intense studying is beginning to take its toll. I am personally going rather insane. Just barely, for instance, I said that Lent starts with ladle. Yes, a spoon. Figure that one out for me...
Oh, and more posts will definitely come in the summer. So be prepared....
Kristin, Closing Remarks:
Haha, "be prepared"....that reminds me of the song from The Lion King, which is arguably the best movie ever. BE PREPARED!!
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