Behold how gorgeous Vermont is:

If you're not here, that kinda makes you wish you were, does it not? It would definitely make us wish we were here if we weren't already, which we are....hahahahaha!
On to today's topic (and it's a good one!): DAVID ATTENBOROUGH. Man or legend? We just don't know.
You may know Mr. Attenborough from his career with the BBC narrating nature documentaries such as The Life of Birds, Life in the Freezer, and, most notably, Planet Earth (not the Discovery Channel version, but the original BBC version and the DVDs, which are exponentially cooler).
HE IS CLEARLY A PRETTY COOL GUY. How many people do you know who make a habit of chilling with ridiculous animals and speaking in one of the most recognizable voices in the world? Granted, we don't actually know David Attenborough, but we would invite him over for tea if we could!
In addition to being basically the coolest naturalist narrator we've ever encountered, he is also the inspiration for the BBC parody series Look Around You. If you've never had the amazing experience of watching a Look Around You episode, we highly suggest that you get yourself over to YouTube POST HASTE and check out "Maths," "Water," and/or "Music." Then go to the official Look Around You website and enjoy the highly entertaining periodic table, quizzes, and sweet backgrounds. WE'RE BIG FANS. Like....fangirl fans. It's that intense.
As conservationists, we appreciate Mr. Attenborough's accomplishments. He brings the natural world into people's living rooms, and his educated yet conversational style is pretty darn captivating. Anyone who can make the average person care deeply about kiwi birds or walruses or the spawning habits of Christmas Island red crabs gets the thumbs up from us.
As an added bonus, we direct you to this hilarious clip, also made by the good people who bring us Look Around You. It's the delightful 80s-style "Birds of Britain" and we love it.
What ARE birds? ....we just don't know.
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